Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Star Wars Analysis

The Cycle of a Hero
Call to Adventure
In the movie Star Wars I think that the call to adventure is when Luke sees the message in R2D2 and realizes that Princess Leia is in trouble. He want to help Princess Leia and save the galaxy. He has to go find R2D2 because he runs away. Luke is taken out by the sand people and Obi-Wan Kenobi saves him. Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes a helper of Luke. Obi-Wan Kenbobi gives Luke the lightsaber and tells Luke what the message from Princess Leia is about. At first Luke doesn't want to go but after he sees that his family is dead he decides to follow Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Threshold of Adventure
The threshold of adventure is when Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke, C3PO, and R2D2 go to the bar trying to get someone to fly them to Alderaan. They come upon some danger from the animals/aliens in the bar and from some of Darth Vader's men. They find a pilot named Han Solo and his mate Chewbacca. Han becomes a big helper to Luke even though all Han wants is money.
One of the groups first tests is to rescue Princess Leia. They have to land on Death Star, Darth Vader's control station. They find their way to Princess Leia and rescue her just in time. They find away out of the line of fire but end up in the garbage dump where the walls start to collapse. They are able to get the walls stopped just in time.
The triumph is after Princess Leia leads the group to the Rebel Base and Luke joins the attack on the Death Star. Luke is able to use the force and destroy the Death Star after Han comes back and shoots the attacking planes. They are able to blow up the Death Star but not destroy Darth Vader.
The flight is the plane ride back to the Rebel Base after they blew up the Death Star.
Threshold Struggle
The threshold struggle is when Luke and Han land at the Rebel Base and are still alive and well. Luke sees R2D2 and is sad but hopeful that he will get fixed. Luke finally realizes that the force will always be with him no matter where he is or no matter what he is doing.
The elixir is at the very end of the movie Han and Luke are presented with medals of courage. They are the Heroes.

Literary Archetypes
Heroes and Antiheroes
The Hero in Star Wars is Luke. He is the one who sets out to save the princess and save the galaxy. The antihero is Han Solo because he doesn't believe in the force and he doesn't want to join in blowing up the galaxy when Luke goes.
The Wise Fool
The wise fool is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Many people don't believe in the force. They think that Obi-Wan Kenobi is a stupid old guy or doesn't know what he is talking about but he knows so much and is such a good teacher. Most people don't see him correctly and don't realize how much power he has.
The Devil Figure
Darth Vader is the evil man. He wants to destroy the Rebel forces and take control of the whole galaxy.
The Outcast
C3PO is somewhat of an outcast. He is a robot that nobody wants to listen to him but when they do he has good information. Another outcast is Han Solo. He travels from place to place and is a wanderer. He rebels against God, the Jeti, and the force.
The Double
The force is the the double. It has 2 sides to it, the dark side and the good side. Darth Vader was a Jeti but he turned into and evil person. Luke is on the side and wants to become a good Jeti.
The Scapegoat
The scapegoat is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He lets himself die when Luke is watching because he knows that Luke is not ready to be a Jeti. Only when he is alone and has to fight on his own that he will want to become Jeti.
The temptress is the Dark Side. The Dark Side is so tempting and draws you into it because it is so powerful. But when you enter or encounter it, it causes destruction.
The Good Mother
The good mother is Princess Leia. She keeps everyone together and nurtures the others. She provides strength and guidance for the group.

The Tragic Man
Darth Vader
A Belief in His Own Freedom
Darth Vader makes all of his own choices whenever he wants. I don't know if he has any faith and courage but he really doesn't care what happens to anybody else as long as he stays on top. If he doesn't get what he wants he takes his anger out on everyone else by punishing or killing others.
Supreme Pride
Vader thinks that he is the best ever. He thinks that nobody can destroy him. He is somewhat cocky and arrogant. He thinks he is superior to all other men. He thinks he is more like a God.
Capacity for Suffering
Vader has one goal and only one goal and that is to completely destroy the rebel forces and become the greatest power of the galaxy. I think he knows that what he does is not right but he is so driven to be the best. He doesn't endure any pain because he takes it out on the others around him.
A Sense of Commitment
Once Vader says he is doing going to do something he follows through with it. He is more like a dictator. He wants thinks to be done his way and his way only.
Vigorous Protest
Vader doesn't think that it is his fault that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke have come back to try to destroy him. Any little mistake and he kills the man in charge. He is mad that he is in jeopardy and that the force has come back.
I don't think that Darth Vader really goes through a transfiguration in Star Wars. If he does it is when he joins the dark side in a different movie. It's not that Vader becomes a better or more understanding person but more the opposite. He becomes evil and overpowering.
Darth wants to be a hero but he goes around killing and destroying everything in his path. We are what we experience. Darth Vader was a normal guy until he underwent some major changes and experiences. He becomes evil because he thinks that is the only way to help himself and not be an outcast. As you watch the movie you realize that there is always going to be evil in the world and nothing can change that.

1 comment:

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