Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Gilgamesh searched for immortality because he wanted to bring back his companion and he wanted to live forever. This is similar to today because many people search for immortality because they are scared of dying. They wish to do more with their life or become someone else in another life.

One way to prolong life today is called cryonics. It is the process of preserving dead humans hoping that when more scientific research comes out scientists can restore your body to a healthy youth stage. Right now you can only preform this on a legally dead person and it has to be done fast. When you first die your cells stay alive and with this procedure they hope they can preserve your cells and not kill them. They use a mixture of chemicals that when these chemicals are brought to a cold temperature they harden like glass.
Its kind of like being a organ donor, you can become a patient for cryonics. This has been successful with worms and a rabbit kidney was "frozen" then thawed, then transplanted into another rabbit.
Gilgamesh probably would have been frozen if he had had the choice.

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