Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spark Note Notes

Key Facts:
Beowulf was written between 700 and 1000 A. D. Takes place in Denmark and Greatland. The three main parts are defeating Grendel, defeating Grendel's mom and defeating the dragon after he is angered because someone took his treasure.
Plot Overview:
King Hrothgar rules over the Denmark. He built a mead hall called Heorot. The hall holds many parties and gatherings. These gatherings anger Grendel a monster living under the lake. He comes at night and eats the people in the mead hall. Beowulf hears of the great monster and decides to come and kill him. Hrothgar holds a big feast to celebrate the coming of Beowulf and that night Grendel comes and Beowulf is able to defeat him. He rips off the arm of Grendel right before he is able to escape. Hrothgar gives Beowulf lots of treasures and the next night Grendel's mother comes and kills one of Hrothgar's best soldiers. Beowulf goes to defeat Grendel's mother as well. He is able to cut off her head and kill her. He is given more treasures and decides to return to Greatland. He later becomes king and rules for 50 years. He is a good king and everyone likes him. Beowulf becomes old and a servant steals from a dragon. This angers the dragon and the dragon comes and burns down the town. Beowulf knows he has to stop it. He goes to fight the dragon and with the help from Wiglaf is able to slaughter the dragon but the dragon pierced Beowulf's skin and Beowulf dies. They burn Beowulf's body and make a huge building with all of his treasures where anyone can come and see it.
Beowulf: defeats all the monsters
King Hrothgar: King of Denmark
Grendel: Monster killed by Beowulf
Grendel's Mother: wanted revenge on Beowulf but he killed her
The dragon: killed by Beowulf but also killed Beowulf.
establishing identity
difference between good warrior and good king

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